Our Programme & Offers

We offer a wide range of programmes for individuals as well as for organisations and groups.

"Stille bewegt" - Silence moves: this is the foundation of our four spiritual paths , the spiritual exercises of our founder Ignatius Loyola, Christian contemplation, and the spiritual paths from the East - Zen and Yoga.

Download Programme 2023 (in German)

Individual Courses held in English

Introduction to Zen - on request

Courses in German

Overview of the whole programme (in German)

Continuing Education Courses (in German)

Offers for Organisations and Groups

Enrich your event with our knowledge and expertise in the areas of mindfulness, ethics, meditation, and dialogue between cultures & religions.

We offer the following options:

  • Guided tour of the Lassalle-Haus with aperitif
  • Introduction to Zen meditation
  • Mindfulness training
  • Lectures and workshops

Further information & details

Our house offers a modern infrastructure for seminars and meetings.