Donating to Lassalle-Haus

As a non-profit organization, we are only able to provide such a varied programme and such a wonderful place of silence and retreat thanks to your support. We are very grateful for you support to sustain these projects.

As a centre for interreligious dialogue, we offer programs that allow different paths to experience spirituality. The quality of the programs, individual participant focus, small group sizes, and the competency of our course instructors are very important to us and one of the hallmarks of our centre.

Solidarity Fund

The Lassalle-Haus deliberately keeps its course costs low in order to make education accessible to all people. Our Solidarity Fund was established to assist people with limited financial resources who wish to participate in Lassalle-Haus programs. In the last 5 years, about 500 people have been able to participate due to reduced course fees via the fund.

"Here people have time for each other,
an open ear and they look out for each other."

Jacqueline Messmer, long-term guest


Long-term Guests & Volunteers

For those who want to recalibrate themselves, we offer a stay on site for a period of up to 6 months. The stay is free and these long-term guests take part in simple work that is done in the house and the grounds. By doing so, one can take advantage of spiritual guidance and attend courses at a discounted rate. Long-term guests are important to us, because each guest inserts his own life story into the mosaic of the house community and supports & invigorates it.


zuwebe is an established social institution in the canton of Zug that supports the development and employment of local citizens with mental or psychological disabilities. Since early 2018, Lassalle-Haus has employed a small group of Zuwebe members to work as gardeners at the property. These members of the extended Lassalle-Haus team are responsible for some of the food grown for participant meals as well as for the flowers decorating our rooms and facilities.


We source our food primarily from regional organic producers, who meet our specific cultivation requirements. When we must import food products, we seek products that have fair trade certifications. Our contribution to environmentally friendly awareness is, however, associated with additional costs and higher purchase costs.

Your Support

We are working to optimise the occupancy rate of the house and thus continue to gain financial stability. Nevertheless, as a charitable non-profit organization, we continue to depend on donations. Donations to educational centre are exempt from gift and inheritance taxes.

Donations to the Lassalle-Haus (either general donations or for a specific purpose) can be made to the following account:

Verein Bad Schönbrunn
Zug Cantonal Bank
6302 Zug
IBAN number: CH23 0078 7000 0702 4950 9

We are happy to provide you with further information during a personal conversation. Please contact the management of the Lassalle-Haus:


Friends of the Lassalle-Haus

The Patrons Association is an important partner of the Lassalle-Haus. Membership in the Association helps Lassalle-Haus to continue to provide our service to the community through supporting the upkeep of the house and further developing our educational work. The Patrons Association is a critical member of the Lassalle-Haus family that is committed to the goals of the Centre and to the paths to living a spiritual life. The annual membership fee is CHF 200.

More Information

Voluntary Work

We regularly experience peak activity periods at Lassalle-Haus where we reach our limits with our existing staff. To continue to deliver our quality services and programs, we depend on volunteers and are always looking for people and groups interested in volunteering at Lassalle-Haus.

We are looking for support in the following areas:

  • Flower Women
  • Kitchen and service Support
  • On-call-duty and and lock-up service


For further details and information, please contact Tobias Karcher SJ,